Crystal Colour Rays

Each colour embodied in crystals carries its unique vibrational signature and etheric quality, referred to as 'colour rays'. These colour rays, essentially light frequencies, offer distinct healing and awakening properties. Each colour ray corresponds with chakras of our energy body.

They often connect us with specific guides, such as archangels and ascended masters.

During the ancient eras of Lemuria and Atlantis, colour frequency healing was a significant aspect of their crystal technology. In essence, crystals serve as portals that provide access to these specific healing frequencies. They are the key to unlocking profound insights, teachings, and wisdom that unfold when we align ourselves with the realms of a specific ray.

Golden Ray

These are yellow and gold crystals and are often associated with the sacral chakra. They stimulate the will power and divine will and allow one to work with boundaries, inner power, positivity and joy. They...

Blue Ray

These are crystals that are blue in colour and are often associated with the throat chakra or third eye chakra. Those interested in metaphysics will often work with these energetically a blue healing ray of...

Red Ray

These are Red crystals in colour that are often associated with the root chakra but not limited to this area. These crystals often help us to stay grounded and work on our core safety issues...

Green Ray

Crystals of the Green ray are crystals that are green in colour and often they are association with nature, the emerald elven realms and the devic kingdoms of the earth.  They also help us deeply...

Crystals to support your EVOLUTION