Crystal Colour Rays

Each colour embodied in crystals carries its unique vibrational signature and etheric quality, referred to as 'colour rays'. These colour rays, essentially light frequencies, offer distinct healing and awakening properties. Each colour ray corresponds with chakras of our energy body.

They often connect us with specific guides, such as archangels and ascended masters.

During the ancient eras of Lemuria and Atlantis, colour frequency healing was a significant aspect of their crystal technology. In essence, crystals serve as portals that provide access to these specific healing frequencies. They are the key to unlocking profound insights, teachings, and wisdom that unfold when we align ourselves with the realms of a specific ray.

Pink Ray

An absolute favourite of mine, the pink crystals are all about love, the heart and connecting to love from the divine. They often connect us to the divine mothers such as Mother Mary, Quan Yin...

Orange Ray

Often Orange Ray crystals the stimulate creativity, will power, action and intellect. For healers they often help to restore the life force and assist with soul loss for a client. Those interested in metaphysics will...

Brown Ray

Earthy brown crystals are associated with the earth star chakra below your feet to help connect you to the earth and to be grounded in your body. They are associated with stability and presence and...

Black Ray

These are grounding and fiery protective black crystals connected to the earth star chakra and the root chakra. They can often connect us to the earth and underworld in their and are often for navigating...

Rainbow Ray

Rainbow coloured crystals and white crystals emit rainbow light. These are associated with joy, positivity and creation. Rainbow light is considered the light of new life and for healers can restore the energy body and...

White Ray

These are white and translucent crystals and are often associated with purity, innocence and the angelic realms. Archangel Gabriel is of  the white ray and is a protector of truth and innocence, and a master...

Crystals to support your EVOLUTION