Lemurian crystals are not your typical crystal at all, truly they are portals into unlocking civilisations of knowledge and healing energy.

More than 200 million years ago, up until 40,000 years ago, a 5th dimensional civilisation existed called Lemuria, alongside, Atlantis. These civilisations were highly advanced in their spiritual evolution and were masters in uses of crystal technology for healing and creating liquid light into form.

They embodied unity consciousness and were truly all connected energetically and telepathically, in that way, they could not do anyone harm, to do so would be to harm themselves. They lived a blissful existence in communities of love and connection. 

In our current times we are moving towards unity, more love and compassion, and higher levels of consciousness as we tap into these past life times that many of us have spent in Lemuria and Atlantis through the crystals. 

The energy of Lemurian crystal invoke in us this feeling that we are all connected to each other and to this great earth.

In this way, the crystals are the key to awaken and this is why Lemurian crystals are not just crystals, they are activators into a new way of existing, a new way of being for humanity. 

Written by Eloys Harradence

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