How to unlock the power and mystery of your crystals, and how they are evolving 

We are living in really exciting times to be connecting with crystals. We, along with the crystals have been growing and transforming at such a fast pace, as the collective consciousness increases across the planet. Our energy bodies are vibrating at higher frequencies and we are embodying much more of our multi-dimensional light more than ever! 

This is the same of the crystals, they have a consciousness and they are evolving. What we once saw as fixed uses and properties of crystals is no longer valid and we are accessing many new layers of multidimensional healing frequencies when we listen and learn from the crystals.

My own personal journey has involved many break throughs and transformations that come directly from working with crystals, and I'd love to share with you some of the best tips I have from many years of crystal whispering.

Working with crystals requires a curious and open mindset, free from projections,  judgment or fixed ideas. In this way we become open receptacles to truly receive the teachings that they have to offer us, which are evolving over time.

Ways we receive from crystals

We are going to learn a quick technique for connecting to your crystals free from dogmatic methods or fixed ideas of what may unfold. 

The idea here is for you to learn the way in which you receive messages from the crystals so you are like a radio receiving their signals but how they manifest for you is going to be different to the next person.

You can receive their healing and messages through many channels, including your hearing, seeing, feelings, knowing and writing.  You may feel physical sensations in your body, you may feel inspired messages drop into your mind

But the main thing is to learn to find that quiet place of stillness within and learn to connect to the actual crystal to receive its energy. 

Crystal meditation

Set your intention for your meditation, that you wish to learn more about the healing properties of this crystal. Finding a quiet place to sit or lay down, holding your crystal in both hands start to breathe long and deep breaths. 

Take a moment to imagine that  you are connected to the earth through tree roots growing down from your body, tapping into the earths vast reserves of life force energy. Feel golden nourishing light drawing up through the roots and into your body. Connect to the cosmos through golden light pouring down through your crown.

Now start to breathe in the light of the crystal, in through your arms and up into your body. Know that this light is the consciousness of the crystal merging with your consciousness. 

Allow enough breaths until you feel full of crystalline light, imagine that it is the same color of the crystal. Take some time now to just allow yourself to feel and receive this light observing what happens for you.

This is the part where you are learning what the crystal has to teach you. Allow 5 minutes to receive in this way. If any emotions that arise, allow them to be present and you may find they pass. Stay with the process until your feelings have settled and you start to feel calmer and more grounded. Allow a second layer or process to happen if it needs to, this is often the crystal teaching you, and the first part is often a necessary release that also informs us of the actions of the crystal.

When you are done, imagine your tree roots pulling back up into your body, and the light coming down for the cosmos dissolving. 

Thank the crystal and ask for you to both be disconnected now, as you return fully back into your body. Feel your feet and body on the earth taking a minute to ground and be present.

Written by Eloys Harradence

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