Element: Wind
Heal • Strength • Release
Apart from being quite hard to get, Charoite is a healers’ healer that does everything that a light worker needs to support them in a very direct way. It is a powerful aid for releasing internalised fear and negativity.
Acting as a violet flame of purification, its real power lies in the ability to strengthen the energy field by grounding the etheric energies that you are working with as you expand in consciousness. It opens all the higher chakras for advanced channelling and helps to acclimatise so beautifully to higher frequency energy.
It helps separate what’s yours and what’s your clients and mirrors to you the stuff you need to heal. Charoite is a potent tool for those on the spiritual path and a great ally for deep personal work.
Location: Russia
A way to power up your crystals is to ask that the crystal be “returned and activated to its divine blueprint” while holding the crystal, this means that it is invited to exist at its highest potential. What’s important here is the strength of your intent. You can also use a pendulum and say this statement and allow the pendulum to swing in a clockwise direction until it stops.
There are dozens of ways to cleanse crystals and you are invited to explore what words for you. Crystals can be cleansed by washing in water, sitting in salt or salt water, the sun or the moon, they can also be cleansed with sacred smoke, or by sitting on selenite plates or with sound from sacred musical tools. You can also cleanse crystals energetical using your intent visualising light running through them. You can also use pendulums to clear many crystals at once. Please note that some crystals are not suitable to be in water or sun for long periods of time. If in doubt, just place your crystals in the sun on a window sill for a couple of hours at a time.